Monthly Archives: November 2013

Chapter 4.10: The Medical Improv Players

Date: De Saturnus, Umbra Luna, 3rd Moon of Alkahest, 1864

 Location: Grand Hall, Royal Court of Vienna, Austria

[page 2 of 2]

Upon reaching the two shipmates, I found Captain Swift as pallid as a phantom and shallow of breath.  Ms. Windrush’s wild gesticulations had caught the attention of some of the surrounding guests, and some began to gather toward us. I placed two fingers beneath Swift’s jaw, but his pulse was barely sped and nothing was swollen. For the barest instance I met his eyes and made a startling discovery: Captain Swift was in no way ill. He was panicked.

Something (or more accurately someone) in the room had set his nerves ablaze. I feared that if anyone else were to examine him closely they would discover this, and I would not let my Captain come to awkward questioning in such a sensitive public area.

“Stand away!” I commanded to the crowd (oh, how long it’s been since I’ve been able to speak with such authority) “I am Chief Physician for this man, and I can diagnose his affliction instantly: he is under the throes of Apoplectic Benzenic Hypersphyxia!” No one in hearing distance seemed to understand what that meant (most likely because I invented it at that moment), but they gave us space none the less.

“It is common among Airshipmen who cross the Atlantic–the differing atmospheres and harsh winds of the sea facilitate the dyspepsia of the third and fourth humors, producing an excess of orange bile, which upon landing of course causes an inversed influx of intubated heliotropes.”

At that moment I recognized one of the onlookers to be the court physician. He looked doubtful at my words, and was indeed the only person with the ability to defraud me. So I looked him in the eye with a harshness and said

“Surely you’ve read the works of Herr Mueller, celebrated Prussian Chirurgeon?”

The man flustered and agreed quickly under the judging gaze of his peers. Ms. Windrush and I hoisted the Captain between our shoulders and all but drug him away.


Chapter 4.9: A “One Shot” Warning

[It is worthy of note to point out that this particular correspondence of Mr. McCoy’s happens to be rather extensive, seeing as he was writing everything down after the fact. So I have taken the liberty of dividing it up into parts to place intermittently among the others’ writings. That way it flows better with everything else. And besides, who doesn’t like cliffhangers? ~ The Archivist]

Dear Christine,

I still cannot understand why these people would employ the help of such a miserable bandicoot like X. The very notion has left me stunned as a mullet every time I try to fathom it. And to think, they even went so far as to take orders from the drongo! Don’t get me wrong, I’m up for giving most any crazy plan a fair go, but working with a criminal, and the largest bounty in the world at that, is not something that sits right with me. However, my instincts as a bounty hunter refused to let me just allow these hoons to team up with a man that they had clearly underestimated. So in answer to the Godspeeds making it clear that they were going to work with this man no matter my protest, I insisted that I be present for the mission.

They were skeptical of my imposing of course, as I am not a member of their crew to begin with, and the only one that truly knows me on the Lollygag is Ryan. Who at the time was on another assignment and couldn’t come along, giving them even more reason to doubt my involvement. However, while I may usually let my rifle do most of my talking, I can be quite a diplomat when I need to be. Or at least when it concerns a man like X. Though the reason I gave them was that I believed Cage was in league with this Boesehosen. Which to be honest, I would not put it past that slick bludger, even though I truly had no idea if that was where he was. However, it was believable enough to gain their attention and listen to what I had to say. I mean, it was the entire reason that I was with them in the first place. To track down that deranged drongo and bring him back home to get the justice he deserves.

But that had to wait. I convinced the Godspeeds to allow me to follow, on the instructions that I was to provide my full cooperation. I wasn’t too thrilled by that part, but if it meant I could keep an eye on X, then so be it. Speaking of which, I managed to pull the bandicoot aside in a ‘polite’ manner, to give the man an ultimatum. Glaring daggers at the man through that metallic mask of his, I said, “Look here mate, you may have the rest of these people on your side here, but don’t you think for a second that I won’t put you down if you step more than an inch out of line.”

In a none too impressed manner the masked villain replied, “Your threat might carry more weight if I hadn’t beaten you like a rug the first time I stepped on the ship.”

Restraining myself from decking the man right then and there I answered in a controlled manner, “The only reason I didn’t put a bullet in your head the moment you stepped on this ship was because there were too many people around. However, I won’t have that particular problem while we are in Bouseburg. So I’d step real carefully if I were you.”

“Well then I hope you are a better shot than you are a fighter,” X chuckled.

His laughter however, only caused me to smirk. “Laugh while you can, drongo. Where I come from I hold the title ‘Oneshot’. ‘Cause that’s all it takes. I never waste a bullet, and I never miss. You might want to keep that in mind.”

While the crook of a man didn’t laugh this time around, he did respond with, “Well then you might want to keep an eye on me ‘mate’. I have a reputation for disappearing.”

And that’s where our conversation ended. Though while I couldn’t see his face as he walked away, I could tell by his demeanor that he took my threat seriously this time. He may not have been in fear of me for it, but he certainly hadn’t brushed it off as idle chit-chat. From there things began to start moving. After the crew that X had assembled from the Lollygag got together, we were all outfitted with Renegade gear. I felt a bit awkward wearing the uniform, but that was the furthest thing on my mind once we got underway with our mission.

Using X’s airship, we flew to the outskirts of Bouseburg and landed just out of sight. Didn’t want anyone in town being able to spot us. Sneaking into the town was actually a bit easier than had been anticipated. For certain security reasons, and the fact that I’m not about to go through the lengthy explanation of how we did so, I’ll leave it at that. Once in the city, things were a bit easier; at least for the first part.

Though I do find it relevant to give the few observations that I made about this X character. First off, he has someone managed to change the way he walks. On the ship he had an elegance to his stride, like of someone that was born with a sense of authority. But as I watched him walk through the city that changed. He still had an air of authority about him, but his steps carried a certain strength and power to them. Not at all like the finesse from before. And there was a bit of a difference in the way he spoke. It wasn’t his inflections, or his accent, as neither of which I could identify due to his mechanical distortion. However, his vocabulary had changed ever so slightly. Enough for me to notice at least. I don’t know what this all means at the moment, but there is one thing that I know for sure, but it almost seems like he changes who he is depending on the situation. Like he is purposely giving off different signals to confuse anyone watching too closely.

Even with this though, I have come to find that this Penny woman that X seems to have talked to previously, was quite a bit more of interest than that bandicoot was. There was absolutely nothing remarkable about her. No outstanding features, no unusual patterns of speech, no definitive or unique markings, nothing. She was a completely unassuming; and that in itself is astonishing. As I watched the woman, I couldn’t help but realize that she was indeed the drongo that had stolen the plans. It all fit. With such a ‘talent’, for lack of another word, I could tell you that she most likely lived up to her self proclaimed title as a master thief. She was one of those people that bounty hunters like me loathe to chase. ‘Cause they can fade into a crowd and disappear without a trace.

After we met up with her, we found out that she wasn’t going to reveal the location of the airship schematics until we had reached the destination in the underground LAByrinth. Honestly, I can’t say I blame the shiela for having caution about being double crossed by X. Though, apparently X wasn’t too thrilled about this; guess the guy doesn’t know how to improvise a plan on the spot. And he calls me a jackaroo. Pah, what an amateur. Getting into this LAByrinth was quite the test though. Plus the surprises that lay ahead of us were not the kind that we were expecting.


Chapter 4.8: The Mouse, The Air Pirate, and Those Resigned to be Renegades

Emmet Sprocket Recording Transcription: 04011113

[The sounds of a bustling city grow ever more faint and hollow, as if they are walking down an alley away from a mainstreet.]

X: Remember no one speaks unless absolutely necessary. I can’t have this Penny figuring out you lot aren’t really Renegades before this whole thing even starts.

[There is the sound of murmuring and shuffling of feet. In the mix is the sound of a dog panting.]

[Also when they say that X has a voice that is mechanical and lyrical well they are right. But it isn’t like our digitally distorted voices. The sound has a quality I can only describe by comparing it to a music box. It is partly due to the metallic ring and partly due to the even rise and fall of X’s speech pattern. I am no expert on the subject, but I would say that X’s manner of speech is deliberately devised so as not to be able to give X any place of origin. ~ The Archivist]

Jason: Easy girl. [A low growl persists]

X: That hound of yours isn’t going to cause problems is it? I have a solution if it is.

[More scuffling]

Jason: Shoot at my dog and you will be dead before the bullet hits her. Not that I need an excuse to shoot you.

Malencia [In a low voice as if not to be overheard: Jason calm down. I don’t like working with X anymore than you do, but we have a job to do and we’ll never succeed if we keep taking shots at one another.

Jason: None of this sets right with me Miss Malencia.

X: No real names! You have code names remember, Phantom and Jackaroo? Now quiet down and follow me.

Jason: I never agreed to Jackaroo!

[More sounds of walking down an alley. The sound of an opening wooden door. The sounds of a street are replaced by the soft sounds of animals- horses in particular.]

Unknown Female Voice: The Renegades are a more motley and diverse group than the rumors. You even have a woman and an automaton.

X: Phantom here lives up to her name, Miss Penny. I wouldn’t do this kind of job without her and her considerable skills as a lock pick and her talent for stealth.

Penny: Why would you bring a lock pick? I am a master thief. You said so yourself.

X: My part of this bargain was to provide a crew for this kind of hiest. And this is the crew I use for just such a job. Speaking of the bargain do you have it?

Penny: The location of the schematics?  Yes. It took me two weeks of stumbling around that massive underground LABrynth.

X: Do you have the map so we can lay our plans?

Penny: I do. But X doesn’t mark the spot on this map.  I’m not telling you the exact location till we are there.

X: How are we supposed to plan without knowing where we are going?!

Penny: I’ve found the best route through those labs full of mutants and killer automatons. We may be glad you brought your along. Besides if the Renegades are even half what their reputations make them out to be, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Perhaps we should move this conversation to the cellar under this livery stable.


Chapter 4.7: The Mouse Who Would Dare To Roar

These torn pages, with the name Penny Wynne scrawled across the top in different handwriting, were found folded in a journal containing events far removed from this point in our story. I can only infer that the words written here were the start of some future tragedy for the Good Airship Lollygag. Yet, they set the stage for our present adventure, so I have decided to include them here.


Today is the day.  I am getting those blueprints back from Boesehosen. I found just the way to do it, X.  Finally, and it took ages to set up the meeting, but X agreed to help me with this endeavor.  He even commented on how impressed he was that I was able to steal those particular blueprints.  “That was no ordinary job,” he said.  “I’ve seen that Airship, it is well guarded.  You could make a great thief one day if you keep that up.”  I was actually pretty stunned when he said that.  Here was X, the greatest thief, revolutionary, saboteur the world has ever known, giving me the first compliment I’d ever received in my life.  I think when this is all done and the Peahans have paid for what they’ve done, perhaps I’ll join his Renegades and be renowned just like him.

And the Peahens will pay dearly for what they did to me.The mere thought of it makes me seeth. After years of no one, and I mean NO ONE, noticing me, I finally claw and scratch my way to landing a job with a huge world family, The Peahens. One of the biggest and richest families in the world and they said they saw my potential, they saw what I can do.

True, I never wanted to be a thief, but that was what it took for people to actually notice my worth.  I’ve become one of the best, single handedly stealing the blueprints to the most incredible, advanced airship The Good Airship Lollygag, owned by none other than the Godspeeds themselves.  I was sneaky, I was quick, in and out and no one even noticed.  I’m sure the explosion helped, but I didn’t have anything to do with that…though I probably should have.

After attaining  the blueprints I received orders to escape to Boeseburg where I was supposed to lay low until the Peahens came to me.  Instead I was met by that nasty Boesehosen  who stole MY blueprints- the blueprints that I so brilliantly stole. I warned him not to cross the Peahens, but he just laughed.  The whole thing was just a trap to get rid of me after I had done my job!

Once again I was a pawn to be used and forgotten!  But NO! Not this time.  No, those Peahans are going to remember me.  They aren’t going to forget about me because I’m going to make them fear me.  When they hear a creak in the middle of the night they will pray that it isn’t me.

X and his team  should already be here in Boeseburg.  Perhaps I should quit writing and get ready to meet up with his group.  This is it Penny. You have X’s attention, show him the extent of your capabilities. I will secure my spot in his group for the future. I won’t be ignored anymore!


Chapter 4.6: The Things One Hears These Days

Laboratory Report of Henley Fenchurch

 Date: De Saturnus, Umbra Luna, 3rd Moon of Alkahest, 1864

 Location: Grand Hall, Royal Court of Vienna, Austria

No laboratory work was accomplished today. All my time of late, along with the time of Addy Windrush and Captain Robin Swift, was spent in the company of the Noble and Royal Elite of Austria and her allies. For the Godspeeds this was meant to be a chance to espouse the virtues of their fleet, which has apparently been hemorrhaging money for some five years now, and to engender confidence in their future success by exhibiting that most wonderful ship, The Good Airship Lollygag.

Of course, no one on the ship has mentioned that the Godspeed fleet has lost money recently, but one may learn a great deal of information by standing near gossiping Nobility. Indeed, that is my only purpose here today. My excuse for attending is to see to the medical needs of my patients, namely the still battered and bruised Addy, but I have my own reasons to enjoy touching elbows with the rich and powerful.

Oddly enough, there was an opportunity to go to Boeseburg, which to my mind has a magnificent library and some of the world’s greatest mechanical laboratories, but to everyone else’s mind is the home of some secret. I inquired after the need to visit Boeseburg, but the only answer I received was that it was “the reason we are temporarily allied with the despicable Pirate X”. Which is comical to me, having worked aboard at least three pirate vessels in my time. Apparently no one on this crew has heard of the phrase “Necessary Evil”. Alas and Alack, I was not invited to Boeseburg.

While attending these sorts of events, my favored modus operandi is to walk a perimeter around the room, eavesdropping here and there and observing the interactions between all the guests. Much can be surmised about the flow of power and influence in a room by observing properly. Some dignitaries stand in one place for great lengths of time, forcing others to come to them. They believe this gives them power, but in reality it means they receive only the information which is brought to them, and since information is power, they find themselves with a dearth of influence. Others, like the Godspeeds for instance, move about the room with grace and dignity, welcoming each guest and sharing a story or two before moving on. In this way it is more difficult to gather information, but that person garners the respect of nearly everyone, thus increasing their overall influence.

While making these round during the opening gala, I overheard a peculiar conversation between Addy and Captain Swift. Apparently one of the more interesting aspects of Social Season at hand is the unusual public appearance of Princess Valentine, daughter of Grand Duchess Clementine of the Royal Commonwealth of Albion. She is reportedly a young woman of surpassing beauty and grace–though when I eventually saw her she was wearing a delicate porcelain mask that covered over half of her face. What made this exchange peculiar, however, was not this bit of social information, but Captain Swift’s physical response to it. I was walking toward my two shipmates from the east side of the room when I saw Swift’s face blanch as though he had been very suddenly stabbed in an internal organ. If memory serves–and it usually does– it happened immediately after Addy had mentioned the name of Princess Valentine. Normally I would say that it was just a coincidence, after all I’ve no reason to believe Captain knows any royalty, let alone that he has any personal feelings about them, but the reaction was so (forgive the play on words) swift that the relationship must be causal. Addy mentioned the Princess by name, and Captain Swift fell into what I can only describe as a blind panic.

Ms. Windrush called for me quite vehemently –surprisingly unsophisticated of her given the circumstances– and I snapped to immediately.

[page 1 of 2] Archivist’s Note: I have yet to find the second page. Bear with me while I search it out.


Chapter 4.5: Imperial Princess For Sale

Journal Entry: Addy Windrush

My job comes with many perils. The greatest are those that appear innocent enough. For example, my summons to have tea with Her Imperial Majesty Emera, Empress of the Prussian Empire. I have grown accustomed to being courted for favors with government figures involving my worldwide readership. It is how I quickly learned that a request for a favor is the most common guise of a threat to do otherwise.

The nature of this favor revolves around the coming of age of the middle Imperial child, Princess Anneliese. This Social Season is to serve as Princess Anneliese’s formal introduction to the European Social Elite. The Princess was present for our tea. The poor thing was quiet throughout the ordeal. It could have been due to her mother’s constant stream of chatter, but I sense that it was more from a feeling of dread of what was to come.

It was clear from the long list of things Her Imperial Majesty wanted me to highlight that the Empire was hoping for a political alliance by marriage. It was all I could do not to cut HIM off and tell her that she did not need to speak to a reporter but rather to our head of advertising sales.

I feel sorry for the Princess. I do not have any particular love for royalty the world over. But it is moments like today that cause me to realize that for every power mad social climber there is at least one child who wants nothing to do with their parent’s thrones or Empires. They are pawns and victims like anyone else.

I conducted a brief interview with the Princess about her expectations of being introduced into society. Her answers were perfectly rehearsed and well delivered under the sharp eye of her mother. I did my best to endear myself to the Princess. At HIM’s request I will be spending a great deal of time with Princess Anneliese. I hope at some point in our time together we will find ourselves alone and I may have a chance to find out how the Princess truly feels about all this.


Chapter 4.4: Kira vs. Imperial Court Manners

Journal Entry- Kiralau Emberhawk

Let me see if I can remember everything that Debs Godspeed told me in our short tutoring session on how to address European nobility. You address a Duke as  My Lord and a Marquis as Your Grace. Or was it the other way around?

My Lord.

My Lady.

Your Grace.

Your Highness.

Your Majesty.

It would take a life time to memorize all these!

And how in the name of the Red Spirit do you know who is what? They don’t walk around with insignia like a well organized military society. You know how to address a complete stranger back home because of his insignia. It is much less confusing that way. And safer. You know you won’t offend someone by addressing them improperly.

Hopefully I can fake it through the tour they are giving of the Godspeeds new fancy Air Yacht The Gadabout. We are supposed to serve hors d’oeuvres on the main deck.

I was cleared for supervision duty only by that new doctor they brought on board. I was sure he wouldn’t know the head from the tail of all the potions and directions the Ancient Nain gave me. Heck, I can’t even describe it. But surprisingly he didn’t miss a beat. Despite my faltering pathetic attempts to tell him what Nain had said he knew exactly what I was talking about. He even guessed the parts I deliberately didn’t tell him. In fact he managed to find out what I haven’t been able to figure out about Nain’s instructions and has taken a personal interest in my healing.

Apparently, he spent some time among the Children of the White Spirit, the Navajo. They are the great healers among the Children of the Spectrum Spirits. This new doctor may not have the ability to work White Spirit Magic as the odd non Technolized Tribal descendant sometimes can, but his knowledge is superb. Still, I get the feeling I am something of a lab rat for him.

Distrust of outsiders is bred in those of the Technolized Tribes. So many want to exploit our abilities. Not that they can. You have to be a Child of a Spectrum Spirits in order to use Spectrum Spirit Magic. But as I said before, it is possible to not be a Child of the Spectrum Spirits and use Spectrum Spirit Magic. I am beginning to suspect that Addy Windrush might be among those who can do so. Those True Ancients who came to us bringing with them the Spectrum Spirits countless generations ago did have to come from somewhere I suppose.

Okay, I found the notes Addy gave me.

You can address all of them by their titles. Otherwise:

King/Queen- Your Majesty (the first time then ma’am and sir afterward)

Prince/Princess- Your Royal Highness (the first time then sir or ma’am afterward)

Duke and Duchess- Your Grace

Marquis, Count, Viscount, Earl, Baron- My Lord

Their female counterparts- My Lady

I am never going to get all this in time. How do Addy, Captain Swift, and the Godspeeds do it so effortlessly?


Chapter 4.3: Alchemy 101

Laboratory Report of Henley Fenchurch

 Date: De Frigg, Minui Lunatis, 3rd Moon of Alkahest, 1864

Location: The Good Airship Lollygag, Sternmost Portside, Deck 3

Persons Met: Jason McCoy, a single-minded mercenary of great ability. While I respect his knowledge of tracking individuals and bearing weaponry, I do not enjoy the presence of his gigantic hound, who seems more fit for Baskerville than for the Lollygag.

Medicinal Needs Seen To: Kira is making fine progress. I believe the Carnelian Chalcedony stone to be the most effective so far, though it is unclear whether that is because of the intrinsic value of the stone itself or because it resonates well with Kira’s spirit. Consult the notes in the manuscript “Vaerious Gems and Stones and their Aeffects on the Spirits and Chakras” which I am currently penning

Ms. Windrush is recovering remarkably quickly. It is as if she can speed the mending of her bones through sheer force of will.

Personal Errata: I am adjusting quickly to life aboard the vessel Lollygag. Meals may be taken at nearly any hour, provided I do not mind the coldness or staleness of the breads. Apparently they are quite accustomed to the strange hours of “Mad” scientists due to the endeavors of Dr. Sneeze.

The most troubling thing is the total lack of understanding of the crew as regards Alchemy. They seem to believe it operates exactly like Spectrum Spirit Magicks. It does not, of course, but to explain such would take an entire monograph. I am, incidentally, composing that exact monograph in response to my travels across the Technolized Tribes.

Alchemy, I should say, is half-distance meeting point of science and magic. It consists of the use of minerals, gems, herbs and fluids that occur in nature of their own accord and as such are infused with the chaotic force of life itself. By combining, extracting, dissolving, burning, freezing, electrifying, or otherwise manipulating these elements I (and any alchemist of considerable ability) can cause change in the body of any animal, or the composition of any plant or organic matter.

There are those that believe alchemy to be only the means by which one changes base metal into gold. This is myopic, ill-informed, and frankly offensive.  Do all holy men trade blessed oneness with God for a little extra coin? Of course not! Such is Alchemy: the use of what is given to improve what is. It should also be noted that Alchemy is a philosophy; a means by which we may understand the multitudinous ways that God, the Spirits, and the Earth interact. Where we came from, why we are here, and how we can reach ultimate being. Alchemy is, in short, the answer.


Chapter 4.2: Partings of Many Ways

Journal Entry: Addy Windrush

I never thought an airship of some several thousand hands could feel so empty. There are only a comparable handful of crew missing, but this ship feels like a ghost ship to me. I guess it is because everyone I would normally have around me are all out and about having adventures and I am stuck in Vienna having to attend all the opening events for the Imperial Social Season with the one person who I am barely able to tolerate at the moment.

Addy, you sound like a spoiled child. You are in the heart of the Prussian Empire. Political alliances and accords  achieved in the coming weeks will shape the political landscape for the coming year. Here I am where the next week’s, month’s, and year’s news will begin. This is journalistic gold. Add to that the extravagant parties to attend in luxurious gowns courted by handsome wealthy men and I should be giddy.

 But, I wanted to be a part of the mission to Boeseburg!

Stupid cracked ribs!

Insufferable Robin Swift!

I could barely believe my eyes when I saw The Marauder pull up beside The Lollygag. I had just stepped outside onto The Terrace because I needed some air after a nightmare when the next thing I know I am face to face with X. That clockwork mask he wears is beautiful and menacing. I shiver just thinking of it. The most likely cause is that I usually see it just moments before the rogue is trying to kidnap me. There can be thousands of other people in a crowd and the scoundrel will find me to kidnap every time! I can tell you my blaster was in my hands before my mind had time to comprehend my actions.

Unconcernedly he brushed my blaster aside. Understandably I backed up and instinctively lowered into a fighting stance. I must have been holding my breath for my lungs began to burn, or that could have been my ribs.  X took another step forward closing the gap between us. I could hear his mechanical eerily melodic voice assuring me he had no business with me when bounty hunter decided to intervene. I was almost happy to see him. Not that I will ever admit to being happy to see a bounty hunter. And it turned out that he would have been useless if X was serious about causing trouble. Ryan had to break up the fight. And that is when I first heard that X was there by request.

How could they invite X on board without telling me? The Godspeeds always confide their plans to me!   The Lollygag Schematics were stolen. I knew that. Malencia had been the one to overhear X plotting with a woman who we now know as Penny Wynne. The schematics are now in the hands of Baron Von Boesehosen of the Barony of Boese. He has taken the schematics to his fortress masquerading as a university in Boeseburg. I knew they couldn’t let that go. This ship has secrets the world has yet to see. The firepower and maneuverability this ship conceals is years ahead of anyone else. It would be devastating in the wrong hands. In the hands of a Boesehosen it could be the end of the world.

But to work with X? I can’t say it isn’t unprecedented. The Godspeeds are masters of contracting the loyalty of anyone even if only for a short time. They have convinced X to double cross Penny Wynne and bring the schematics back to the Lollygag. I would say to leave Penny Wynne out of it altogether, but apparently she has a map of the underground labyrinth that winds under the entire city of Boeseburg. Without that map it could take a year to locate the hiding place!

Understandably no one trusts X. So part of the bargain was that Godspeed personnel pose as X’s Renegades to keep an eye on him. X wasn’t too keen on the idea. But what he doesn’t know is that our crew is more than qualified for such an undertaking.

Malencia went with X. She said she had her reasons for not wanting to be so close to nobility.

That bounty hunter won’t let X out of his sight- so of course he went along.Not that he is actually one of our crew.

Kavi and Ashwin went with Jed so they could use three Painted Ponies as transport. They will prove most advantageous attachment to the party if any fighting should break out. My cousins have more power than anyone would suspect.

Also that new guy Andreas was scouted to go along. They said something about his skill in sabotage being needed if Boesehosen has already started building.

I expected Ryan and Seamus to be going with X as well. But the Godspeeds are christening their new Luxury Air Yacht, The Gadabout, as part of the Imperial Social Season Opening Events. Ryan was recruited to go and help Captain Steadyhelm vet all the incoming crew. Most of them are from other ships. I wouldn’t think that they would need Ryan, but the Godspeeds insisted. Given that The Lollygag nearly fell out of the sky on her maiden voyage, I suppose their paranoia is warranted.

Seamus was also sent to The Gadabout to make sure she was ready to fly. The last I heard from him he was saying that any ship he had  hand in designing and building wouldn’t fall out of the sky unless I happened to board it. That man infuriates me. My name is not a swear word!

All in all everyone was going this way and that, but alas the Godspeeds agreed with Robin that I should remain in Vienna. If it were just Robin I would have gone with X. But I feel like I can’t contradict the Godspeeds. Not after Industrial City. Yes, I am aware that my actions caused quite an alarm. I need to keep my head down for now so they won’t fuss the next time I gallivant off after another story lead.

Get over it already Addy. You are in Vienna for the opening of the Imperial Social Season. With any luck there will be plenty of intrigue for you to get caught up in right here under Robin’s nose.
