Tag Archives: Dink Godspeed

Chapter 6.1: Truth or Dare

Godspeed Press- all publications

 Maryland Have Mercy

by Addy Windrush

By now dear readers you are fully aware of the astonishing act of treason committed by the Secessionists of Maryland and their cohorts against not only the Union States of America but the human race.  In an act of ultimate pride, these conspirators first made an attempt to extinguish the life of  the Union States President Elect, Abraham Lincoln. The assassination plan foiled by the quick thinking of Alan Pinkerton and the heroic members of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, the Secessionist laid siege to the capitol city of Washington DC.

Let me tell you readers, the acts of bravery on behalf of Union States Armed Forces will be regaled in song forever. Even bolstered by the Pinkerton Detective Agency’s finest, these  herculean efforts failed to stop the savage advance of the National Volunteers. Now countless women and children are trapped in the City of Washington DC at the mercy of those who are without mercy.

At great peril to their life, a single Pinkerton managed to get word of just how dire the situation is out of DC. There are a great number of the newly widowed and orphaned who  barely cling to life as there is insufficient food and medical supplies. The messenger risked such peril to bring a plea from Alan Pinkerton to Dink Godspeed- bring us the supplies we need.

As I am writing now, preparations are being made aboard The Good Airship Lollygag, under the careful supervision of Debs Godspeed herself,  for a mercy mission. Against odds that would cause Ajax to tremble, the Godspeeds are sending in their fastest airship to airdrop medical and food supplies to the besieged of Washington DC.

This article friends is not merely to inform you of what you already know, it is a plea to those who have caused so much harm. This is a plea to the Maryland Secessionists, their militia the National Volunteers, and countless mercenaries both on the ground and in the air keeping the Union Aerial Navy at bay,  please let us pass. Please allow food and medicals supplies be delivered to those children and women, orphans and widows, who are suffering. It is the decent and moral thing to do. I will be the first to say that Politics are seldom moral, but surely you as human beings cannot be devoid of morality and compassion. Just let The Good Airship Lollygag pass your lines without opposition. Give mercy to those who will come to collect the supplies once they are dropped in the city. I have been told that the goods will be dropped in the National Mall on the Northeast side near the Capitol.

This dear sirs, this is not a plea from myself alone; nor merely the Godspeeds and everyone in their employ. Indeed I add my call for a show of compassion to the five hundred and seven letters I’ve received from Rhode Island alone; full of concern for friends and family at your mercy. Countless more arrived by rail moments ago from Delaware. I’ve letters all the way from Kentucky begging that you if you will not release the women and children held captive to your selfish and capricious actions that you would at the very least let us deliver medical supplies and food.

Indeed it is the plea of all the Union States from Maine to Kansas and even those among the Confederate States that have family still within the city, let the Good Airship Lollygag airdrop these much needed supplies to those who are in need. Find it in your hearts to be the kind of men you have the potential to be!

Chapter 5.19: Strategery

We have done all we can do to clean up this recording. I must apologize  that there are bits of it we cannot recover. I suppose I could pull notes from other sources, but to be honest with everything happening so quickly after this meeting, there were few notes to be found. Not to mention it is fascinating to hear the relationships between the crew and how they worked together first hand. (I am trying to find a way to get these in a format I can post on line- so you can actually listen to them! So far the quality has been very poor indeed. Along the same lines it is my intention to collect our adventures  into an annual anthology. Being isolated and . . .  well . . . trying to remain off certain authorities radars has made doing so a bit of a challenge. I am confident we will figure something out in the end!)

Where was I? Oh, yes. I am setting up what you are about to read. As you know, The Good Airship Lollygag has had to make an emergency return to the Union States as the newly installed President Abraham Lincoln has barely escaped assassination (thanks in no small part to the involvement of Addy Windrush) and the Secessionists behind the assassination plot have laid siege to Washington DC. The recordidng transcript you are about to read is from one of Carter Twyllodrous’s Bugs that overheard a strategy meeting of just how the crew of the Good Airship Lollygag intends to intervene.

Again I apologize that there are bits missing of the discussion. I think however that it is a coherent whole. ~ The Archivist


Carter Twyllodrous Bug Transcript 05020614


DINK GODSPEED: If everyone is settled in, I’d like to go ahead and start. As most of you are well aware, there has been an assassination attempt on the life of then newly elected Union States President. We have an inside source that experienced the attempt first hand. What we do know is that the assassination was the a plot funded by the Maryland Secessionists.  But it was not their only plan. Our inside source informed us that they had also been amassing a militia filled out by a large number of mercenary troops. My good friend Allan Pinkerton and his own detective force have been keeping the Maryland Secessionists at bay and out of DC. But they can’t hold out indefinitely. That is where we and this ship and her crew will be coming in. We have been hired by Pinkerton to deliver supplies to the besieged citizens of Washington DC.

RYAN JAMES TRAVIS: So we are goin’ to stir up a hornet’s nest. That’s the long and short of it, I reckon.

ROBIN SWIFT: We certainly can count on opposition to a supply run. But I get the feeling there is more to this scheme.

DINK: Indeed. Seamus what is the state of our weapons systems.

SEAMUS O’LEARY: The same as the last time you asked me, in no condition for duty. We cannibalized them t [garbled static] . . .demon spawn deci . . . [garbled static] . . . I need at least a mile of cable to get everything back on line. That could . . . [garbled static]  . . . time seems to be something we won’t have.

RYAN: Well, lets say we can get you your mile of cable, you’ve got the team to pull this off. So stop puttin’ up a fuss. You just don’t want this here ship to see any kind of action.

SEAMUS: She’s seen plenty of action. Sabotage! Voodoo! A plague of pygmy llamas! And now you want her to face incoming fire on purpose!

TORI KVASNIKOFF: She was built for that Mr. O’Leary. I believe you design her that way. She is full of surprises, yah? Superior speed, agility, and firepower her primary functions, yah? Do you not desire to see how she handles in environment for which you created her?

SEAMUS: I am aware of how I designed this ship. I just hoped I would get a few good voyages out of her before putting her in the line of fire. Fine get me the cable in New Amsterdam and I’ll get this ship ready for anything you want to throw at it.

TORI: Which is what Mr. Godspeed? If supply run is not primary objective, what is?

DINK: We are go . . . [garbled static] . . . DC. Or at the very least . . . [garbled static]

TORI: Might I speak what is on everyone’s mind, yah? This is a bit too open of approach. We are not military outfit. This is not warship. We risk much just to transform the Lollygag to reveal her hidden self in . . . [garbled static]

DINK: I am aware of that.But the Godspeed Merchant Fleet is renowned for its first class security. That is why we are hired to carry the most valuable cargo through the most dangerous routes. I think of this as an excellent opportunity to show the world we remain the top in our business.

RYAN: This cowboy is never opposed to going in guns blazing.

ROBIN: If we wanted to leave DC in the same way we left Boeseburg, that might work. I believe our first duty is to . . . [garbled static]. . .  suggest a more clandestine approach.

RYAN: If memory serves, that was the plan in Boeseburg and that didn’t work out too well.

ADDY WINDRUSH: What other outcome did you expect teaming up with X? There’s a large force of Pinkertons on the inside of DC. We will have the ad . . . [garbled static] . . . ell trained disciplined allies. Pinkerton himself is  . . . [garbled static] . . . I can promise you Kate Warne has already come up with  . . . [garbled static]

RYAN: Well even if they are willing to help us, there’s no way they would know what we are planning! We can’t risk . . . [garbled static] . . . has long since been cut.

ADDY:That’s why as soon as we have a plan, I am writing up an article to send to Glad. Kate and I have a cipher code we use. We will just make sure . . . [garbled static] . . . I can guarantee they have spies in the Secessionist’s camps. They will get the message.

TORI: You are putting our battle plan in newspaper? You want Secessionists to know we are coming, yah? You want them looking for us?

DINK: In a manner of speaking. In the article Addy will write about how I personally took the job, knowing that it would endanger our flagship, on a bet we couldn’t pull it off.

ROBIN: Let me guess, a bet with Kirk Picard Sr. of the French Star Fleet?

DINK: Junior, actually. Addy arranged it before we left Vienna.

ROBIN: I wasn’t aware she was taking visitors while she was fainted away for days on end.

ADDY: It was a matter of a simple letter exchange requesting an unspecified favor. He was gracious enough to be complicit in our little ruse.

ROBIN: So now not only do we owe that fop an unspecified favor in return, but the most weaselly, social climbing, womanizing, gossip in Europe is privy to the fact we are going in to DC under a false pretense? Oh, that won’t come back to haunt us at all.

ADDY: No one can deny that Kirk Junior a womanizer and a bit of gossip, but I don’t hold that against you. Some people are more than they seem Captain Swift. I trust him.

ROBIN: Well, I am glad we know where your loyalties lie.

TORI: Honorable Captain, Earnest Addy, may we put aside lover’s spat and . . .

[Garbled static, punctuated by sounds of protestation.]

RYAN: [Hardy laughter can be heard along with the sound of what is most like the slapping of the table- then a leg.] You tell ’em! It is good to have you back Tori!

[A rather long section of garbled static]

SEAMUS:  . . . ‘ve painted a target on the side of the ship. Now wha. . .

[More prolonged garbled static]

NATHAN REYNOLDS: . . .  ground forces. I’ve got Jackie Li with me. The best Drunken Master I’ve ever seen . . . [garbled static] . . . Van Solo. Admittedly  . . . [garbled static] he w . . . [garbled static] shoot first . . . . [garbled static] . . . take a company of our mercenaries . . . . [garbled static] . . .  the south road . . . [garbled static]  . . . cover you.

TORI: Ryan, Robin, and Addy are headed straight for the White House, yah? Might I suggest you take the Fire Mage with you.

RYAN: Now wait a minute. Kira’s not . . .

TORI: [garbled static] . . . I think it best. . . . [garbled static]

DINK: I trust Commander Tori in these matters. I am glad you are back to take the helm  . . . [garbled static]

[Extended period of static]

ROBIN: Having the Secessionists eyes on the sky is one thing, but do we risk flying all the way there in warship mode . . . [garbled static] . . .

TORI: . . . [garbled static] how long does transformation take?

[Another longer stint of garbled static]

RYAN: So we need someway to make sure all eyes stay on the Lollygag and buy her sometime to transform . . . . [garbled static] . . .

ROBIN: . . . [garbled static] . . . Andreas can make . . . [garbled static] . . . that would provide cover and give us time. . . [garbled static]

RYAN: I won’t deny that boy is good with incendiary devices. . . [garbled static]

SEAMUS [nearly shouting]: . . . [garbled static- or string of expletives. You are free to decide which] . . . blow up my ship! And here I thought with Addy not being on board things might have a chance of going smoothly. . . [garbled static] . . .

ADDY: . . . [garbled static] . . . Seamus, you  . . . [garbled static] . . .

[Elongated patch of garbled static]

DINK: I don’t think we should get the Painted Ponies involved outside of transport . . . [garbled static]

ADDY: . . . [garbled static] . . . having eyes in the sky to observe both the ground and the ship. . . [garbled static]

DINK: . . . a solid plan.

TORI: I like it. It is straight forward and sneaky. What we do best, yah?














Chapter 5.2: The Wedded Benefactors Consider A Proposal

Best I can tell this listening device was placed in the captain’s ready room aboard the Lollygag. It would seem that there were many “Bugs” placed all over the ship at this time. Who Carter Twyllodrus was or why he was bugging the Lollygag is still a mystery, but it does allow us to hear some things to which we might not other wise have been privy. I do have to say however, the more I learn about this Carter character the more uneasy I feel about his eventual reveal. ~ The Archivist

Carter Twyllodrus Bug Transcript: 05010414

DEBS: So how do we want to deal with this whole Consortium proposal? I find it odd that the man would be so open about a secret society.

DINK: I am just not sure I like the fact no one else has ever heard of the thing. Then again Alchemists are notorious for keeping secrets.

ROBIN: I just want to know how you two want to handle being the “Wedded Benefactors”

DINK: I think we will keep our part in this minimum. You will have access to resources, but you have that anyway. We’ve grown a bit careless in being on the Lollygag so much. That is why we had the Gadabout built. We need to give ourselves some distance so it can appear that you and the other captains have a greater amount of autonomy.

DEBS: I agree. As much as I hate being a self absorbed debutant, the role does serve its purpose.

ROBIN: Alright then. I will give your excuses and make it clear that you won’t be directly involved but that I do have access to many of your resources. Now do I need to join?

DINK: In so far as to appease the man, yes. We need a healer and having one that is an Alchemist is a blessing. If there is a secret Alchemist society, I want to be an ally. There are many dark forces at work in this world. I’ll take any advantage I can.

ROBIN: Good, then I will accept. And while I am at it I can give him this.

DEBS: What is it?

ROBIN: I really don’t know, but Carter Twyllodrus risked a great deal to steal it from Vain, so it has to be powerful. I know enough about alchemy to recognize the symbols are alchemical. I thought we could use it as a goodwill offering.

DEBS: You shouldn’t bait Carter Twyllodrus, Robin.

ROBIN: Twyllodrus is a gnat.

DINNK: He is a Technopyre.

DEBS: Their dark twisted practices . . . I am fairly sure it drives them mad.

ROBIN: I can handle Carter Twyllodrus. But Vain, is another matter entirely.

DINK: One conspiracy and villain at a time Robin.

ROBIN: I don’t think that is the way the world works. At least not the world as I know it.

DEBS: That may be true Robin dear, but at the very least we should deal with them in the order of priority. Right now, that would be finding a way to liberate Washington DC and find out who would want to assassinate President Lincoln.

ROBIN: And we are sure that it wasn’t just a Secessionist plot?

DEBS: According to Addy’s contacts. And confirmed by Pinkerton. What is troubling you Robin? [A prolonged pause] Is it Addy?

DINK: Look at that face! You can’t hide things from us Robin. We are worried about Addy too.

ROBIN: Won’t you let me in on the big secret? I feel like I am battling fire with kerosine, everything I do just makes things worse. I know the darkest and best kept secrets of the Godspeed Fleet, why won’t you trust me with this one?

DINK: I am afraid we cannot help you. And it is not a matter of trust.

DEBS: To be honest we only know marginally more than you do. Whatever is causing Addy so much distress is completely unknown to us as well. Please keep an eye on her, Robin dear.

ROBIN: [muttered] How you keep an eye on someone who can vanish into thin air is beyond me.


The Miss Adventurers: A Haunted Return

Continued From The Miss Adventurers: Slight Of The Hands Of Fate

Dink and Debs Godspeed were sitting down to breakfast on the terrace of their airyacht, The Gadabout, when Addy Windrush burst on deck dragging a bewildered and displeased Malencia De LaVelle. The Godspeed’s star reporter was dressed for action and the state of her person and attire suggested she had recently seen plenty of it.

“Goodness Gracious!” declared the Debs in her signature southern drawl.

“Not again,” sighed Dink. “You two have been on another clandestine adventure, I take it?”

Malencia gave the Godspeeds a sheepish sideways glance. In truth the navigator had no desire to speak to the Godspeeds about their adventures- especially since she felt rather guilty about having stranded Addy and gone off with Dominic Temporous for the duration of this adventure. But Addy was in such a mood that Malencia had no choice but to come along and crash their employers’ breakfast.

“Indeed we have,” Addy replied. “But this one was much closer to home than any of our last.”

The reporter produced a stack of sundry documents from a leather messenger satchel and placed them on the breakfast table for the Godspeeds’ review. “Right about now I’ve commissioned your train stationed in Baltimore and we are making a run for Washington DC. Transporting the President Elect Lincoln; trying to outrun the Hands of Fate sent to assassinate him.”

Alarm was evident on married couple’s faces as they took up the papers with greater interest. Addy had brought with her an impressive paper trail to corroborate the story she launch into with urgency. The Godspeeds and Malencia were regaled by the retelling of Addy’s escapades over her past several days, or at least the past several days as she had lived them for a second time.  The retelling was not without interruption as everyone found something they wanted clarified or were simply too stunned to believe it was true the first time.

“And how was it that the Union Swarming Cavalry came to your rescue again?” Debs asked, halting Addy’s story once more.

“Hattie Lawton and another Pinkerton had made the ride to DC earlier that night. They had only just arrived and raised the alarm two hours before. And they weren’t well received when they woke up the commanding officer in Washington either. It took a great deal of quick thinking, fancy talking, and a reliable paper trail to convince anyone that the threat was real. But once they got some momentum started someone realized that the President Elect was about to travel through mercenary infested territory and sent out troops to clear a path.Thank the Blue Spirit for that, I don’t know if we would have made it without the military escort!”

“And what of the fate of Washington DC?” Dink urged.

“We were able to save Lincoln. But we were only able to turn the outright invasion of DC into a siege. I am afraid the Secessionists were surprisingly well prepared for. . .well, Secessionists.”

“There is something more going on here than the efforts of Secessionists,” Dink glowered looking over another document. “This is far too organized. Too well funded. And I refuse to think that the Secessionists would have had the contacts or influence to sway the Hands of Fate to get involved.”

“Surely this will lead to a war between the States?” Debs worried aloud. “And who knows how far a reach that conflict will have on the world. This isn’t good at all.”

“We will be leaving for the Union States today,” Dink declared. “I don’t know what it is we can do to help or . . . try and discourage war but we have ten days to figure it out. Addy, you go and see Dr. Fenchurch. I can tell you have incurred some new injuries that haven’t been properly seen to. I am going to make arrangements for our departure. We have crew members out all over the Prussian Empire- it could take some time to get them all back.”

“He is right Addy dear! Go and get something to help you rest and then you can retire to your stateroom on the Lollygag. I will make your excuses to the Imperial family and have your things brought aboard for you. Poor thing! You’ve had a rough ten days haven’t you. . . I suppose it has been twenty days though hasn’t it,” Debs cooed and fussed.

Addy was barely conscious of her descent down the gangplank from The Gadabout. She vaguely heard Malencia asking her questions, and could only just recall having snapped at her friend. Addy calculated that she had been awake for almost thirty six hours; she was barely able to keep on her feet. Concerned, Malencia guided Addy to a bench along the path that led back into the Imperial palace gardens from the field where the airships had been moored. Reluctantly she left Addy alone and went to find someone to help get her friend to the Lollygag and Dr. Fenchurch.

Addy stared off into the distance replaying over in her mind everything she hadn’t mentioned to the Godspeeds; like how she had lost control when fighting the bounty hunter, or how the train really gained the ability to outrun the Hands of Fate’s swarming cavalry. She hadn’t really gone into any detail about what happened after they arrived in Washington DC. The reporter had relayed the important facts but she did not mention how she couldn’t walk off the train because of her encounter with the Blue Spirit and had been carried off and fussed over by the mammoth Pictish Pinkerton Detective, Macintosh, who was more injured than she at the time.

Addy had not gone into details of how she, Kate Warne, and Hattie Lawton had gathered the women and children of Washington into fortified locations, set up emergency medical facilities, or organized supplies for a siege. She couldn’t tell them about her last conversation with Quint Gittings; about how he had been present at the interrogation of the Bounty Hunter Addy had disabled or that the hunter warned that Addy would die if she ever met the man with the five tailed scorpion tattoo. She would never confess to the fact that she really didn’t care if she survived the encounter so long as the monster died as well. The reporter managed to keep her anger in check as she retold how Malencia showed up in the White House and abducted Addy from a hallway without a word of goodbye to anyone; Addy certainly wasn’t going to tell Malencia that she thought Quint and Kate had witnessed their disappearing act.

But most of all, Addy Windrush was too terrified to admit that since she had regained consciousness after the encounter with the Blue Spirit, she found herself surrounded by phantoms; shadows and glimpses of people who were not there; voices whispering from the walls of buildings or sighing on the wind.  Even in the sunlit field that morning, Addy could see the faint presence of people or animals or spirits- what they were she could not tell but they moved about the field, each unaware of any of the others. She found herself quaking on the bench with tears streaming down her cheeks.


The reporter barely registered the voice.

“Addy what’s wrong? What’s happened to you?”

Addy recognized the lightly french accented voice of  Kirk Picard Junior, but she wasn’t able to respond; not when he took her hand nor when he reached up to wipe the tears from her face. All she could do was stare past him to the phantoms that filled the field.

It was that touching scene between Addy and Picard Junior that Robin Swift discovered as he had quickly made his way down the path to find the reporter. Malencia had run into the captain and told him that Addy needed help. Worried, Robin had gone to find Addy while Malencia went to find Dr. Fenchurch. The prideful airship captain’s first reaction was to walk away in a huff. But there was something truly wrong with Addy Windrush.

“What is going on here Picard?” Robin demanded striding up behind the man.

“I could ask you the same thing Captain Swift!” the french merchant rounded on Swift. “She is as stiff as stone and just as cold. She is shivering- unresponsive. She looks like she just walked off a battlefield. Isn’t Addy of your crew? Isn’t she your responsibility?”

“The only one responsible for Addy is Addy,” Robin couldn’t help but growl. He was angry at the frenchman for his personal attack; angry at Addy for having wandered off and gotten in trouble without him again.

Addy raised her head at the sound of her name.


Her voice had been little more than a breath, but it silenced the gentlemen’s’ quarrel. Robin Swift pushed Kirk Picard Junior out of the way.

“I’m here Addy. . .”

With a  great deal of effort Addy managed to get herself off the bench, wrap her arms around the bewildered captain, and bury her head in his chest. For the first time since Jumonville Glenn Addy felt safe and at complete peace as she let herself slip into oblivion. Shocked by her actions, Robin was still able to easily swing her up into his arms. A slight rise and fall of Addy’s chest allayed any fears that she had stopped breathing, but Robin Swift still feared her life was in far more grave danger than he could even hope to understand.

“What have you gotten yourself into?” Robin whispered anxiously to the unconscious Addy cradled in his arms. “Why won’t you just let me help you?”

Chapter 4.6: The Things One Hears These Days

Laboratory Report of Henley Fenchurch

 Date: De Saturnus, Umbra Luna, 3rd Moon of Alkahest, 1864

 Location: Grand Hall, Royal Court of Vienna, Austria

No laboratory work was accomplished today. All my time of late, along with the time of Addy Windrush and Captain Robin Swift, was spent in the company of the Noble and Royal Elite of Austria and her allies. For the Godspeeds this was meant to be a chance to espouse the virtues of their fleet, which has apparently been hemorrhaging money for some five years now, and to engender confidence in their future success by exhibiting that most wonderful ship, The Good Airship Lollygag.

Of course, no one on the ship has mentioned that the Godspeed fleet has lost money recently, but one may learn a great deal of information by standing near gossiping Nobility. Indeed, that is my only purpose here today. My excuse for attending is to see to the medical needs of my patients, namely the still battered and bruised Addy, but I have my own reasons to enjoy touching elbows with the rich and powerful.

Oddly enough, there was an opportunity to go to Boeseburg, which to my mind has a magnificent library and some of the world’s greatest mechanical laboratories, but to everyone else’s mind is the home of some secret. I inquired after the need to visit Boeseburg, but the only answer I received was that it was “the reason we are temporarily allied with the despicable Pirate X”. Which is comical to me, having worked aboard at least three pirate vessels in my time. Apparently no one on this crew has heard of the phrase “Necessary Evil”. Alas and Alack, I was not invited to Boeseburg.

While attending these sorts of events, my favored modus operandi is to walk a perimeter around the room, eavesdropping here and there and observing the interactions between all the guests. Much can be surmised about the flow of power and influence in a room by observing properly. Some dignitaries stand in one place for great lengths of time, forcing others to come to them. They believe this gives them power, but in reality it means they receive only the information which is brought to them, and since information is power, they find themselves with a dearth of influence. Others, like the Godspeeds for instance, move about the room with grace and dignity, welcoming each guest and sharing a story or two before moving on. In this way it is more difficult to gather information, but that person garners the respect of nearly everyone, thus increasing their overall influence.

While making these round during the opening gala, I overheard a peculiar conversation between Addy and Captain Swift. Apparently one of the more interesting aspects of Social Season at hand is the unusual public appearance of Princess Valentine, daughter of Grand Duchess Clementine of the Royal Commonwealth of Albion. She is reportedly a young woman of surpassing beauty and grace–though when I eventually saw her she was wearing a delicate porcelain mask that covered over half of her face. What made this exchange peculiar, however, was not this bit of social information, but Captain Swift’s physical response to it. I was walking toward my two shipmates from the east side of the room when I saw Swift’s face blanch as though he had been very suddenly stabbed in an internal organ. If memory serves–and it usually does– it happened immediately after Addy had mentioned the name of Princess Valentine. Normally I would say that it was just a coincidence, after all I’ve no reason to believe Captain knows any royalty, let alone that he has any personal feelings about them, but the reaction was so (forgive the play on words) swift that the relationship must be causal. Addy mentioned the Princess by name, and Captain Swift fell into what I can only describe as a blind panic.

Ms. Windrush called for me quite vehemently –surprisingly unsophisticated of her given the circumstances– and I snapped to immediately.

[page 1 of 2] Archivist’s Note: I have yet to find the second page. Bear with me while I search it out.


An Interview With An Alchemist

Laboratory Report of Henley Fenchurch

Date: De Luna, Auctificus Gibbus, 3rd Moon of Alkahest, 1864

Location: Regius Glasson Library, Near the Airship Docks of Galway, Hibernia

Persons Met:

Captain Robert Swift. A man nearly as tall as myself,  though far more muscular. An abiding spirit and a strong leader.

Dink Godspeed. A distigquished man of middle years with a keen  eye and wonderful diction. A reserved an authoritative spirit.

Debs Godspeed. A formal, intricately seen-to woman with  impeccable dress and social grace. An outwardly kind though secretly quite forceful spirit.

Medicinal needs seen to:

None. Though I have no patients as of yet, I believe I  shall within the week.

Personal Errata:

Never before have I experienced such an intense, rapid-fire interview as I have presently endured. The only comparable
experience was the entrance exam which enrolled me in Her Majesty’s Royal Air Brigade. Dink and Debs Godspeed, owners of the entire Godspeed Merchant Fleet, personally saw to my hiring.

I found this surprising to say the least. They were not terse, nor were they ever rude, but their questions were deep and
probing. I’d like to note here that usually when interviewed I find I must simplify my language, shorten my answers, and generally speak at a less… shall we say “academic” level. However, in the company of the Godspeeds (and Captain Swift to a lesser extent), I found quickly that I need make no such concessions with them. They are apt listeners, learned minds and possess quick wits. Though the questions were perhaps a bit personal at times, they were always phrased in such a way that they delved immediately to the truth, the real truth of what I do and who I am. I was simultaneously at ease (as with old friends) and on edge (as I had never before met them).

Also notable was their intense interest in my experience with battlefield medicine. I had assumed that, as a merchant
vessel, I would not need to employ that knowledge aboard the Lollygag. But it seems their crew may be prone to bouts of inexplicable violence.

All that being said, it seems today will be the last laboratory report made as a vagabond, for tomorrow I will have a well stocked laboratory which I may call home. Perhaps there I will recount a more detailed rendering of the interview in question.


Chapter 1.23: Lollygaging Ponies

Communications Transcript #0105102012
The Good Airship Lollygag and Menaka

Time Stamp: 0030

DINK GODSPEED (GOOD AIRSHIP LOLLYGAG): Menaka, this is the Lollygag, come in. This is the Lollygag. please respond Menaka.

ADDY WINDRUSH MENAKA PILOT: This Menaka. Lollygag what’s your designation?

DINK GODSPEED:  Designation, King speaking

ADDY: Roger King. Designation, Damsel speaking

DINK GODSPEED: It is good to hear your voice Addy.

ADDY: I take it if you are calling, sir, something is amiss.

DINK GODSPEED: Indeed it is- we have had one of our security officers assaulted by an unknown assailant and an attempt has been made on the life Dr. Hight.

ADDY: (Sound of a sharp intake of breath) Is Dr. Hight going to be alright?

DINK GODSPEED: As far as we can tell, he seems to be perfectly fine. Apparently he is immune to poison as well as explosions.

ADDY: Are you aborting the rendezvous?

DINK GODSPEED: I have a recommendation in my hand from Security Chief Travis that we need not completely abort, rather that we will need to delay the delivery of the packages. Is that doable from your end?

ADDY: It is getting a bit cramped in these cockpits- but we will do what we must. I am just glad that Cherokee tech doesn’t need fuel or this mission would be a bust.

DINK GODSPEED: I knew we could count on you. We are moving the rendezvous back until 0200.

ADDY: Roger that. See you at 0200. Menaka out.  Hear that boys? We are going to have to waste a bit more time up here.

ASHWIN STORMRIDER, PILOT OF THE AMBLER: Then we have time to settle that bet.

KAVI STORMRIDER (PILOT OF THE SKIVER): I don’t know which is more crazy- you wanting to race that range in the dark or challenging Mali Shamita.

ADDY: After being this long up in the air -the altitude is getting to all of us Kavi. Which is favorable to Ashwin who needs all the advantages he can get. See you boys on the other side of the range!

(End Transmission Excerpt)

Chapter 1.9: No More Dawdling

Telegraph Addressed to Dink Godspeed 

Godspeed Estate, NC

To Dink Godspeed,

Dawdle down. Boiler and pipes blown. Will not be able to make it to New Amsterdam with cargo. Awaiting orders.

Captain Dean Anderson

Chapter 1.5: Dink Godspeed Tangos With The Press

From an Interview with Dink Godspeed
From the notebook of Sally Summerfield- Godspeed Press

[Much of this was in shorthand. I have translated it for clarity. ~ The Archivist]

(Personal Note: Here on behalf of Godspeed Press because Addy Windrush couldn’t be here till later. I hate ghost writing for her. But I can’t deny that this is a pretty amazing assignment all in all. All of the major papers and presses are represented here. Maybe I should pass around my resume)

Time: 1115

Welcome everyone! Thank you for coming! We are delighted to have you here to unveil our newest pride and joy in the Godspeed Merchant Fleet- The Good AirShip Lollygag. But let us pause for a moment of silence for our beloved lost Good AirShip Rambler. (A brief moment passes in silence) Now I am sure that you are full of questions so let us not waste any more time. Let’s start with you there in the navy pinstripes.

QUESTION: Joe Veirnes – The New Amsterdam Journal. Mr. Godspeed- where is the Good Airship Lollygag?

GODSPEED: She is en route from our newest airship yard as we speak.

JOE: And just where is this airship yard? No one has heard anything or seen anything on the Lollygag since it was first announced as being built 11 months ago.

GODSPEED: Wanting spoilers already are we, Joe? We are proud of the advancements we have made with this new type of airship and hope that she does as well as we expect so that we can base a new line of ships off of her. It stands to reason we’d be a bit protective of her, you understand.

JOE: So does that mean you aren’t going to tell us where your new airship yard and Research and Development facilities are located? There has been much speculation about whether or not the Godspeed Merchant Fleet will be moving to the Confederate States from their traditional home in New Amsterdam.

GODSPEED: That line of speculation has been in circulation since the rumors of  Confederate secession were gaining a foothold and I announced my marriage to my lovely Debs, whose family were the Rail Barons of the South. I have come to regard it as a question of my loyalty to the Union or the Confederation. As ever, my loyalty is to the business of the Godspeed Fleet  Now don’t hold a grudge for not answering that line of inquiry. You are all here to get a first hand tour with the head of our Research and Development- Dr. Gunter Hight. This is a once in a lifetime chance to closely inspect this state of the art airship. What fun would it be if we gave away all our secrets, eh?

Who’s next? The gentleman in the Stetson.

QUESTION: Jedediah James – The Lone Star Gazette. What of the rumors that the Rambler was purposely sabotaged? Is there any truth to them?

GODSPEED: Our ships are like our children. How could you even suggest such a notion be even remotely true?

JEDEDIAH: No offense Mr. Godspeed- but it is well known that you have little to do with the management of your merchant fleet. There are rumors that corruption plagues the Godspeed Merchant Fleet unlike ever before.

GODSPEED: I will admit that my Debs and I have had to take a step back with our direct involvement with the fleet. But I will not let you impugn the name of Godspeed Merchant Fleet founded by my Great Grandfather. The fleet was continually built with pride by his son, rapidly expanded under his grandson, and hopefully greatly improved under his great grandson.

JEDEDIAH: And yet the Rambler was surrounded by accusations of every kind- from treason to espionage- and even affiliation with the mysterious villainous mastermind air pirate X when she went down.

GODSPEED: It was X who burned down our dear Rambler. We are not certain of the details but of what we can piece together, it was X and his Band of Renegades who attacked the Rambler the day she went down. We have sworn oaths in many courts of law to that fact. I trust that is enough to satisfy any doubter. Let us leave this unpleasant line of questioning behind. How about you, young lady in the green hat? What is your question

QUESTION: Savannah O’Hara- The Atlanta Telegraph. I am sure we are all wondering who it is you named Captain of the Lollygag? It seems a bit odd that you have yet to make that announcement even on the morning of her maiden voyage.

GODSPEED: Excellent question Savannah. We have indeed only just named the Captain of the Lollygag. We had hoped that Brent Steadyhelm, former Captain of  The Good Airship Rambler would have taken the post- but Brent has decided to retire. We are happy however to accept his recommendation for the post- Steadyhelm’s second in command aboard The Rambler. It is our great pleasure to announce that the Captain of the Good Ship Lollygag will be Robert Alexander Swift.

( Personal Note: Robin Swift! Robin Swift is the Captain of the Lollygag! He is only the most handsome, brave, chivalrous, amazing man to fly an airship! His amazing hair. Those gorgeous eyes. That wonderful Bretonian accent. I take it back about passing out resumes- I want to have every chance I can to meet and marry Robin Swift!)

O’HARA: You are naming a Bretonian to Captain your flagship?

GODSPEED: The Godspeed Merchant Fleet is the premier merchant fleet in the world. As such we are proud to employ peoples from every part of the globe. It is through the diversity of her crews that the Godspeed Fleet has been able to enter into and develop lasting meaningful business relationships with countries closed to many other merchant fleets. As such it is natural to name a Bretonian as Captain of the Lollygag. Surely no one continues to hold the Royal Common Wealth of Albion with such suspicion. . . (Someone has just  rushed in and passed Debs Godspeed a note. She has passed it onto Mr. Godspeed.) . . . Well I hate to say it but our time is up for now. I assure you that there will be plenty of time to ask all of your questions as our wonderful celebration continues. I can’t wait to see you all on the veranda in our acclaimed East Garden to see the Lollygag as she comes to carry us away for a wondrous night of merry making!