Tag Archives: The Blue Spirit

Chapter 6.36: The Impossible Stars

Journal Entry: Addy Windrush

I am at a loss for words. Even as I write those words I can hear Seamus muttering something about miracles really do happen. But there are some experiences that exceed all human capacity to describe in language. We can merely reference the characteristics of a sunset but it is only the human mind having seen such majesty that can conjure the true meaning of the words. Fortunately for poets sunsets, as miraculous as they can be, are a common human experience. What I have just experienced only a handful of people in history could have any frame of reference.

As made clear in my earlier entries describing my stay among the Children of the Black Spirit, the whole of my time with the Apache was filled with the unexpected. Not that any time spent among the Children of the Spectrum Spirits is ever anything less than astounding. But there is something about meeting the Elders of a Technolized Tribe that is particularity awe inspiring. The Apache Oracle Conclave, as it is often translated in the common tongue, is no exception. The Conclave is comprised of the Matriarchs of each band of Apache. For whatever reason women seem to be the only ones who can fully use the gift of the Black Spirit and therefore family lineage is traced through the lines of the mothers rather than the fathers. There are among the Apache warriors those that can see slight shifts in time, a matter of seconds, but enough to make them formidable opponents. It is however the women who have visions of the unseen past, present, and future.

The Conclave resides in a sort of natural temple made up of a network of caves at the base of a plateau said to be the Black Spirit’s favorite place to dwell when he chooses to walk among his children. It would seem that the Black Spirit was in residence and had plenty to say about my coming to visit, for they greeted me as a guest of honor. It is a wonder they did so, for I came bearing the mark of the Blue Spirit; the mark of the Cherokee, a tribe of the Technolized Tribal Coalition. The Independent Technolized Tribes tended to regard those of the TTC with a minimum distant respect expected to be shown between any Children of the Spectrum Spirits. Yet the Apache Oracle Conclave’s welcome was warm and tinged with an excitement that I could not fathom.

Despite the sincerity of their welcome, little was said outside of general greetings before I was following the members of the Conclave on a climb up the side of the plateau. I had no idea where we were going other than up nor why we were going other than I recognized the word for initiation. The Oracles of the Conclave must make the journey regularly for they were nimble as gazelle as they moved from rock to rock in an unseen path. None of them were young women, most were Grandmother Daya’s age, but they showed no fatigue. I on the other hand am not as fit as I would like to think for I found it hard to breath in the first quarter of our climb and almost impossible to climb in the last quarter.

At the top of the plateau was a pool of water too small to be a lake but far too big to be a pond. The water was crystal clear revealing the staggering depths of the pool. In her broken Cherokee, the Oracle that was designated as interpreter indicated that I needed to swim to the bottom of the pool. She did apologize saying that most initiates had a lifetime of training to be able to hold their breath and withstand the depth of the pool. She also made it clear that the Black Spirit had been far more clear on the subject of my being immediately taken to the pool for initiation. What she said next was rather surprising, my coming was foretold long ago and was held as one of the greatest prophesies among the Conclave. No wonder they had greeted me as royalty. I still don’t know how I feel about being a living prophesied legend. At the time though all I could think about was the impossibility of swimming to the bottom of what looked like a bottomless pool.

The Chief Oracle spoke to me, and though I did not know what she was saying her eyes were kind and sympathetic with a glint of absolute authority. Even before her speech was translated I knew I didn’t have a choice about going in the pool. I knew that my coming may have been foretold but my acceptance was still dependent on my actions. If I was to be free of these waking nightmares I was going to have to have faith in the Black Spirit.

I remember feeling the pulse of my Blue Spirit pendant, the token of my adoption into the Stormchief family and the sign that I was considered to be a Child of the Blue Spirit. I’ve struggled against accepting the idea that I have a family. For me my family was taken from my by a man with a five tailed scorpion tattoo. Until my parents are avenged, I don’t know that I can fully accept a new family. As hard as it is for me to identify the Stormchief clan as family, I have all but publicly renounced the idea that I could be a Child of the Blue Spirit. Though recent events have been forcing me to look at all of this once more and give it more consideration.

Still in that moment I knew I was facing a test of faith in something I’ve never truly believed. I took off all of my cumbersome over clothes until I was in my pantaloons and undergarments only. Having been given the order to clear my mind I stood at the edge of the pool as the Oracle Conclave circled around and began to chant. At first the chanting was distracting and I found it hard to focus. Then again being faced with the idea of swimming to a greater depth than I’ve ever attempted to accomplish a task I was supposed to innately understand didn’t help either.  Of the two, the chanting was easier to contemplate and I let it fill my mind. The chanting ushered in a swirl of images known and unknown. It was as if my mind was being flooded with all the nightmares of my previous days and I could only stand helpless before their hurricane like rush and swirl. Then, I felt an odd sensation. The only way I can describe it is to say that I was like a magnifying glass focusing the light of the sun to a single point.

A multitude of imagery and sounds became the solitary image of myself diving into the pool and headed with certainty in a designated direction. I decided I was seeing my immediate future. I figured I wasn’t dead in the vision so I took in as much air as I could and jumped into the pool in the general direction I had seen my future self swimming. For minutes untold I was in a surreal game of tag with the ghost of myself. I could feel the pressure building around me and the fire that raged through my lungs at my desperate need to breath. But I could see myself alive and moving with certainty and I couldn’t stop following that future phantom so intent and confident of her task. At long last my phantasm stopped before a wall of the pool. It was carved with a mural of some kind. Amidst the intricate carvings I was drawn in tandem with my ghost to a small medallion that adorned a warrior. We pushed the medallion and I found myself pulled further into the deep of the pool by a sudden riptide.

I barely registered the idea that I was being pulled by the outflow of water toward an opening in the pool’s wall. In my shock I had tried to suck in air and got a lung full of water. I fought to close my mouth, but I couldn’t expel the water already in the process of my permanent suffocation. I could no longer see my future self and I was certain that I had just sealed my death. But then my Blue Spirit pendant pulsed and I was surrounded in a blue glow. Coughing up water I found I could draw breath and was doing so in great gasps. I don’t even know how long I had been on solid ground before I came to be aware that my descent had stopped and I was in the roots of the plateau.

Exhausted I collapsed onto the floor of a cave that must have been the heart of the plateau. If I’d had any expectations I would have thought it should have been cold and damp. Instead it was warm. Laying on the floor I curled up embracing the warmth and letting it fill me body, mind, and soul. When I was completely relaxed I rolled over and looked up toward the roof of the cave. I was shocked to find that there was no roof to the cave. What had once been the pool was an opening to the heavens. That was when I saw it, the stars hidden by daylight. It was different from looking at the stars at night. I can’t . . . I don’t have the words to describe those impossible stars.

Awestruck I laid sprawled out looking up at the beauty that defies description. Even when I registered a presence I did not have the presence of mind to acknowledge it. It wasn’t a physical presence, but something was there. It had no audible voice but nonetheless I heard one in my very soul. If it spoke in words they were words of no tongue on earth but I clearly understood it more than I have ever understood humans with their power of speech and action. I knew it was the Black Spirit.

Some part of me felt the urge to stand or show reverence in some way but an overpowering sense of the encounter being casual caused me to remain where I was.

“This world is it’s most beautiful when viewed through human eyes. I thank you for the loan of yours for this moment. Don’t be startled. I’m not possessing you, I’m merely communing with your soul.”

Nothing the Black Spirit said made any sense to me and the frustration of that thought sent tremors through the shared peace.

” Humans are such funny creatures- you all  either ignore or are ignorant of the fact that you are spirits in physical houses. It is a miraculous thing really. At once spirit and flesh. It has never been done before you know. Truly a remarkable creation, part soul and part physical body simultaneously existing in two planes. That is what draws us to you. Through you we can see the completed works of the Genesis Energy. What is more is that unlike the other creations of Genesis Energy, the Genesis Energy does not dissipate after giving birth to a world because of you. It only grows more varied and beautiful.”

Again I must reiterate that I cannot communicate with these paltry words what I knew in my soul to be their meaning. No matter how desperately I desire to capture that moment to reflect upon in the future, I cannot. Yet, even as I record this encounter I find myself using words and concepts of which I have never been taught. I can recall that after I had processed what the Black Spirit was communicating one question stood above all. Who are you?

“We do not have a name that can translate into language as you know it. Not that  your mind can comprehend- but your souls know it well. We are beings who protect new worlds as they are born and in turn they feed us with the Genesis Energy generated by their creation. The Genesis Energy created when a world is born radiates from everything on that planet. It ensures that the world can continue to create life. But there is plenty to share and we partake of it in return for warding off other beings that would drain a planet of its Genesis Energy killing it before it has a chance to live.”

According to all Technolized Tribal lore, the Spectrum Spirits were not always with them. Those who carried the ways of the Spectrum Spirits came to the tribal lands a thousand years ago. Those tribes that adopted the True Ancients were in turn adopted by the Spectrum Spirits and given gifts to honor the tribes generosity. Another question surfaced. You’ve been here since the world was born?

“Oh, yes. When your world was born it was a beacon in the cosmos. So much Genesis Energy, more than ever known before. It drew us all to it. There were millions of us then and this planet could have fed us for eternity. And that was before humans showed up.”

The sensation of laughter filled my being. I had thought something that had amused the Black Spirit.

“Indeed humans are as destructive as they are creative. But as mentioned before you filled it with more Genesis Energy. Every single one of you were given the gift of creation. And with every creation you generate more Genesis Energy. Perhaps the saddest part of this story is that you have forgotten who you are.”

Something about the present tense of the Black Spirit’s line of thought struck me as odd.

“Ah. Big Brother Blue has told me much of your reluctance to believe in the world as it truly is.  Shall I spell it out for you? That gift of creation is still yours. That beautiful potential for creation lives in every human. That is why this planet became our Holy Land.”

Just as I had felt a joy beyond what I dreamed possible when the Black Spirit laughed I was overcome with a grief deeper than any I can ever know, even taking into account my own tragedies.

“But the potential for creativity in humans is a double edged sword, it is also the potential for destruction. I cannot tell you how deeply I still grieve what humans have chosen to do with their gift. It was enough to poison the Genesis Energy of this world. Many of us died. Then some of us abandoned this planet to go and feed from and protect new worlds. But some of us stayed.”

The majesty of all I had beheld in that time can only be described drawing away the curtain of reality as I understand it to reveal it’s truly miraculous nature. But the feeling that came with the Black Spirit’s words was loss. A deeper loss than that of a loved one, one so great it even makes the losses that left me orphaned seem as though I ‘d merely dropped some small trinket.

“Those who stayed did so because we could not give up this world. But our intentions for staying were vastly different. Some like myself  and Big Blue still believed in the creative potential of humans and hoped to foster that potential and revitalize this world. But others saw humans as the cause of this world’s decay. Despite what the Dark Faction thinks we’ve no way to destroy the human body and can only deal some damage to the mind of humans. Mind, Body, and Soul. You are truly complex creatures. To eradicate you, all three must be destroyed. I’ve never been able to decide if it is your powers of Hope or Self Destruction that would prove to be the most powerful. I suppose we will see.”

The Black Spirit shook off his melancholy. The earthquake of questions that shook the peace around us went unheeded.

“Well, that is all I should probably tell you at this time. Such a strange concept time. Of all the inventions you’ve managed to come up with this arbitrary marking of the passage of time that has come to take on a myriad of asinine expectations baffles us the most. I will admit to have become enamored with it though. We do not exist as you do in a manner that our existence is not experienced one moment at a time. Of all my brethren, I am the most fascinated by such an existence.”

A giddiness overcame my soul. Speaking of the idea of time the Black Spirit became as a child being given a new toy.

“Indeed, time has no relevance in the spirit world and we exist in all times at once. But interaction with earth is like walking into a familiar room. As long as everything remains the same and nothing is out of place we take for granted that everything is well. But sometimes you walk into a room and an object is knocked over, in the wrong place, or missing. That causes you to look more closely at the room. My brethren are all guilty of altering something in the room- but all try to make it small enough none of the rest of us notices. But there are things that each of us will notice more than the others. Usually we are more aware of those we claim as our own, for we are more connected to you. You, Ms. Addy, having gotten in over your head yet again by being out of place in time drew the attention of Brother Blue. He consulted with me as I am the only Spectrum Spirit to have even the vaguest notion of how time works in the human world.  Upon further investigation we found something of great concern to be out of place.”

Though many things raced through my mind, I recall being chief among them was, ‘Curse Manlencia and her meddlesome hobby!’.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t tell you which time jump it was. Or will be. To be honest I still have trouble distinguishing the concept of past, present, and future. I like to fancy myself as having the ability to make an educated guess on the subject, but I usually find I am either ahead or behind. Admittedly my mistakes can wreak some havoc in the earthly plane. Though it can be rather amusing. I’m not good at restraint when it comes to my amusement. But Big Brother Blue is skulking about, so I’ve been trying to keep myself well behaved. Speaking of which I should apologize for all the problems you have been experiencing. Interaction with a human soul takes adjustment on the part of the human and the Spectrum Spirit. Big Blue asked me to take you under my wing, I blame him for not letting you know in advance what was happening. Though, let’s both be honest. Even if he’d tried to tell you you would have refused to listen.”

I suppose the Black Spirit was right about that. Perhaps for the sake of sanity I must believe the impossible is indeed the truth of the world. But that train of thought makes my head hurt.

“At any rate congratulations on becoming one of my children. You have the fortune of being one of those few humans that come along whose position in their time and interaction with the time stream makes them important to us to keep tabs on the Dark Faction. To avoid running afoul of Big Brother Blue’s temper, I’ll try to be careful when communicating with you. But, I like you. You’ve got spunk. It’s going to be difficult not to see just what it is you can do with random things I throw at you.”

Everything went silent. At least that is the only word I can think of to describe it. I was aware of Black Spirit’s continued presence. He was still looking at the impossible stars.

When the Black Spirit started to fade another came to take his place. This one was . . . brighter? Stronger? Authoritative? Loving? Protective? I don’t know, but it was unmistakably the Blue Spirit. There could be no denying who he was. In his presence I felt as I did when Brother Jaidev looked at me. There was a gentleness, a sense of caring, but still the promise of what violence would be unleashed should any harm come to me. Though he didn’t ‘say’ anything for a long time. It would seem he too was taken with the sight of the impossible stars. But unlike with the Black Spirit I found myself nervous in the presence of the Blue Spirit. I knew he was aware of it too.

“It amazes me that to see the unseen you must travel to the deep places beyond the light. I suppose that is why they associate the Black Spirit with the idea of black. Though I have yet to comprehend why they associate me with Blue.”

I only nodded. It was only then that I sensed that the Blue Spirit was also nervous. He was worried I would pull away or block him out. But I was still so relaxed and at peace I had no inclination to do either. As we looked at the impossible stars together one thought found it’s way to the surface of my soul. Thank you.

Though he ‘said’ nothing I sensed the Blue Spirit was startled by my thought. Or perhaps it was the sincerity with which I had ‘said’ it. The Blue Spirit is largely the reason I am still alive. He has saved me a multitude of times. It is something I can no longer deny, so in the wake of my gratitude came my contrition. I’m sorry.

I felt myself enveloped in the Blue Spirit. It was a hug. It was most reassuring embrace I have ever felt. Save one. But I’ve not the energy to spare on that person here for he vexes me so. In the embrace of the Blue Spirit I felt a  sense of tentativeness, like the catch in your stomach when you have made yourself vulnerable and were waiting to see if you’d be rejected.

“Can you trust me?”

I’ve run out of excuses and arguments. I have been faced with reality and it is so much more than I could have imagined. In that moment I made a choice to believe it was not some dream; I chose to trust in the Blue Spirit. There was a sense of relief and a solemn vow to honor my trust.

And then I woke up on the banks of the pool surrounded by the Oracle Conclave. They were all smiling, so I hazarded the assumption that I had passed their test. I could not hear anything over the roar of the waterfall from the natural spring that was well on it’s way to refilling the pool. The rest of my stay is a haze as I processed through the shock of the encounter. Perhaps someday I will fully understand what happened that afternoon under the impossible stars.


[I must add here that the next page had a message written in blood. ~The Archivist]

You took something priceless from me so I am taking something priceless from you. Wait for my instructions. I’ll see you in Hell Robin Swift.

Carter Twyllodrus





Chapter 6.31: The Tale of Grandmother Daya

Journal Entry: Addy Windrush

It is vague, but I can recall a field of waving grass. There were wildflowers. Mountains guarded the horizon. There was warmth from the sun and a refreshing breeze that caressed my skin. The breeze seemed to be humming a lullaby favored by Grandma Daya. It was a lullaby without words. Peaceful. The first peace I had known in sometime.

The scene slowly faded and I became aware of things familiar. There was the fragrance of herbs and flowers and the soft scent of the grasslands underlying the smell of simmering food. A steady rhythm of gentle grinding.  The soft lilting humming of Grandmother Daya. I opened my eyes and took in the sight of the hut where Grandmother Daya stayed when collecting herbs completely unaware of how I managed to end up there. The last thing I could remember was so fuzzy I had no idea if was a dream or reality.

In stark contrast to the blurry memories, everything around me was sharper than I can ever remember them being. As I sat up Grandmother Daya turned to look at me with a wide smile on her face.

“So you are awake! Come you must be starved you have been sleeping for two days.”

I practically leapt off my cot and found myself at the low table listening to the growling of my stomach. A generous portion of venison stew was poured into one of Grandmother Daya’s larger bowls used to separate herbs.  At first I wolfed down the stew as if I had never eaten anything. As I started to slow my pace, questions seemed to find their way around the mouthfuls of stew.

Why had I slept for so long? How did I get to the hut? It seems that I was given a rather potent version of Grandmother Daya’s sleep remedy and was then absconded away in the middle of the night by Grandmother Daya.

“Jaidev means well, but as powerful as he may be there are somethings even he has no power over and running into one that concerns the family always turns him into a pest.”

I was given a cup of herbal tea to help me digest and I wandered out of the hut to take in the view that had been in my dreams. Sitting down on the fallen tree that had been fashioned into a wide bench I found myself once more at peace. I nearly didn’t notice when Grandmother Daya had joined me. She had that look in her eye that told me she was about to share something profound.

“I don’t believe I have ever told you how I came to be in the House of Stormchief. It is not an epic tale, but it is of importance to you now. You know that the Children of the Orange Spirit, the Jeruk, have built a great civilization to rival any on earth. They have great cities full of wealth. But it is wealth they have attained on the backs of others.  The subtly of the gift bestowed by the Orange Spirit can not challenge the might of the other Children of the Spectrum Spirits, but ability to hypnotize anyone by looking in their eyes is a terrifying one. They have enslaved so many of our kind be they Children of the Spectrum Spirits or no. Old tales speak of the ambition of the Jeruk long before the coming of the Spectrum Spirits. The gift of the Orange Spirit has turned them proud and cruel.

My father, your adopted Great Grandfather Stormchief lead a large war party against the Jeruk when it had become apparent that they had every intention of taking over the land and the tribes one by one. Among the war party was his wife, your adopted Great Grandmother Stormchief. When they had set out she did not know she was with child. When it became clear that she was carrying the heir of the House of Stormchief she was sent back home with a small escort. They were ambushed and Great Grandmother Stormchief was wounded. Her escort found a small Apache encampment with a midwife that agreed to treat her. There was another Apache woman in the midwife’s care who went into labor before the midwife could aid Great Grandmother Stormchief. The Jeruk party that had ambushed Great Grandmother Stormchief’s party had followed them to the Apache encampment. It was total chaos. When it was all over Great Grandmother Stormchief had lost her child and the newborn Apache child had lost her mother. Great Grandmother Stormchief took the child as her own and she and the midwife who had survived made their way back to the Cherokee tribal home.

You see Mali Shamita I am not a Child of the Blue Spirit, but rather the Black Spirit. Though the Blue Spirit has graciously adopted me much as you were adopted. The Apache midwife stayed with me and helped raise me to manage the gift of the Black Spirit, the gift of Vision. The gift to see what was, what is, and what has yet to pass gives the Apache a great advantage. Only there are very few clues as to which you are seeing. The Black Spirit is a trickster, but I do not think that his mixing up timelines is always on purpose. Unique to the Children of the Spectrum Spirits, only Apache women hold the gift of the Black Spirit.

It is a difficult gift to receive even if you are prepared, but you my dear have undergone the process completely unaware. Now that you are rested, I am taking you to the Apache Council of Oracles. It is rare to be claimed by more than one Spectrum Spirit. It is my hope they can help you so that you are in harmony with the Black Spirit and not at odds with him.

When I predicted you would be a bridge Mali Shamita, I did not fully appreciate the insight until now. You are gifted indeed.”

The Good Airship Lollygag Insignia

Chapter 5.20: An Impending Leave of Absence

It has been brought to my attention that posts are not formatted or executed according to academic and professional standards. For instance, I shouldn’t be adding my own color to the dialog I transcribe. I can hear things that are important to the relaying of information, that until I can get the audio up, you won’t have the privilege of experiencing.  

My Assistant has also been giving me some flack lately about grammar and spelling issues in the journal entry posts. I am doing my best to preserve the entries as I read them- mistakes and all. So far we have heard from historical figures with an abnormally better education than most of their contemporaries. We will be hearing from historical figures whose grammar and spelling are atrocious. I will not edit it for the sake of the elitists who get so hung up on the technical they will never see the value of the content. These historical figures will represent themselves as they were, not as we wish to edit them to have been. We are privy to the inner mind and thoughts of private journal entries. They are raw. They are painfully honest. They shed light on things both mundane and mysterious; tugging at our heartstrings in the process because they have not suffered the cure of editing.

I am not knocking editing, grammar, or spelling. They have their place. They are an arbitrary standardizing of written communication that allows for clarity. I had my editors in my days of academia. Nothing thrills my heart as much as a perfectly eloquently executed line of literary genius. I am just as guilty of the supercilious practice of  overlooking potential because of failure to adhere to said standardization. I’ve just come to the conclusion that the potential of a story and its writer are far more important to the capturing of my attention. Editing can be taught, but raw storytelling comes from the fires of the heart unburdened by such things. It is this manner of storytelling that is deserving of my investment of interest and, if I am very fortunate, of mentoring

Oh, my. Well that was a soapbox upon which I had not planned to make a stand. My apologies. I do believe the isolation up here is making me a tad bit testy along with its imparting of new perspective. Without any further ado, here is the day’s transcription of a conversation that takes place at the conclusion of the strategy meeting on the subject of Washington DC. ~The Archivist

[There are sounds of shuffling and rustling accompanied by the staccato of footsteps and the general murmur of voices as the meeting adjourns.]

ADDY: Robin, I need to speak with you. [Addy’s voice is timid] Alone.

ROBIN [Colored by a small amount of surprise]: Of course.

[There is a long pause as the aforementioned sounds fade away and only the minute sounds of the the two remaining occupants can be heard. Even after the others are gone there is a pregnant pause.]

ADDY: When this is over, I am leaving.

ROBIN [Sounding a tad incredulous]: You’ve got a writing assignment I’ll hear about two years from now?

ADDY[Her voice is soft and hesitant]: I . . . am going home.

ROBIN [With a sharp snort]: Home to that brother of yours?

ADDY [Defensive]: Among others, yes. [Another pause. Resumes quietly]  I don’t know when I will be coming back.

ROBIN [Confused]: What do you mean, you don’t know when you will be coming back? You make it sound like you are never coming back. [Earnestly] Addy, please talk to me honestly. What is going on with you of late? You have been out of sorts for awhile now. Ever since we ransomed you from X.

ADDY [Sharp intonation of confusion]: What? [More softly, as if recalling an almost forgotten memory] Oh. That.

ROBIN: Are you telling me that you are not suffering the effects of trauma from being tied to the main mast of an airship filled with explosives?

[There is a long silence.]

ADDY [Slowly, cautiously, as if considering every word carefully] : You remember hearing about my fainting after Kavi and Ashwin summoned the Blue Spirit to bind Blue Spirit Energy to the boilers.

ROBIN: Yes. [Clearly not tracking.] Your cousins mentioned something about you having met the Blue Spirit in person.

ADDY: Well, it happened again. Things have been . . .  [Struggling for coherence of speech and thought] I keep . . . I need to go home and see if Grandmother Daya has any advice for . . . [Sounding somewhat miserable]Well, I just need to go home.

ROBIN [Obviously concerned]: Addy, when did this happen, this event with the Blue Spirit?

ADDY [Guarded]: Recently.

ROBIN: In Vienna?


ROBIN: Where else have you been? [A touch of desperation in his voice] I know that look Addy. Don’t shut me out again. Please. [With all sincerity] Tell me what is going on? I want to help you.

ADDY [Tears are barely audible in her voice]: I wish. . .

ROBIN: Don’t you trust me? Have we not been through enough together that you can tell me anything?

ADDY [Defensive]: You have your secrets too. . .

ROBIN: Yeah, I do. . . [Frustrated, bordering on angry] Look I am not going to fight with you Addy. If you don’t trust me there is nothing more I can do about it. I’ve done everything I know how.

ADDY [More tearful, slightly choked]: I’m sorry. . .

ROBIN [Cold and severe]: Thank you for alerting me to your impending departure from our crew for an indefinite period Miss Windrush. Now if you will excuse me I have duties I need to attend to. . .

[There is the sound of a closing door]

ADDY [weakly but panicked]: Robin, wait. I can’t see. Everything’s gone black. [There is a pause then the sound of fumbling about the room, knocking things over. The creak of the door opening. Addy calls out but her voice is fading rapidly] Robin. . . help me.

[There is a soft thud that could very well be the sound of a body hitting the floor. A minute or two pass with relative silence. The sound of padded paws with long nails can be heard in the distance followed by the sound of sniffing. Footsteps shortly follow.]

JASON MCCOY [Somewhat muffled due to distance from the Bug] : What did you find girl?

